Sunday, March 1, 2009

The 7 Deadly Sins"

- Grains (wheat/rice/oats etc)
- Refined foods (salt/sugar etc)
- Tubers (potato/arrowhead etc)
- Modernly palatable (cashews/olives etc)
- Dairy (any form of)
- Legumes (soy/beans/peas)
- Protein powder (any not made out of whole foods)

In not alot but a support forum for Paleo eating call "CavemanForum"

And please remember to read labels. If it contains any "modified something" or a "paleo unfriendly" ingredient, tuff'n the heck up and toss it away.


  1. I am officially on the Paleo eating plan! I am running off of 3 scrambled eggs and an apple for brealfast and i feel good. I am having a Lemon Zinger herbal tea and it is just as good as my Timmies.

    This won't be as hard as I thought!

  2. Good James.
    Very little food tho! Remember whe you counted Zone block?? well on protein you gotta hit atleast the same number. SO next time add some extra protein to your meal and dude, lots of fat, lots!!!

  3. I should have had some bacon with the eggs and a second apple with almond butter on the apples. I will do that tomorrow.
